How Do I Move the Questie Tracker List in World of Warcraft? (2024)

How Do I Move the Questie Tracker List in World of Warcraft? (1)

How do you move the questie tracker list in World of Warcraft? Generally, you have to use the Ctrl key to move the user interface. However, if you don’t want to use the Ctrl key, you can simply click the right item lock and drag it to the desired position. The quest tracker is not easily moved manually, but you can enlarge it to see the details of each quest.

Table of Contents

How do I access Questie settings?

If you’re playing the classic version of WoW, you may be wondering, “How do I access Questie settings?” This article will answer that question, as well as a few others. First of all, you’ll need to download the latest Questie. This version of the add-on is available for both WoW Retail and the classic version of the game. The latest version is v5.1.0, which has a number of improvements.

The Questie add-on helps you manage your quest log more effectively, highlighting the locations of quest objectives, kill targets, and quest mobs. It also offers tips for completing quests, including how to defeat mods. In addition, Questie allows you to search the game’s in-game database for any mob or NPC you’re looking for. It’s worth the download.

How do I unlock Questie?

How do I unlock Questie? is an addon that helps you level faster and complete quests easier. It works by adding icons to your map, indicating what quests you can complete. While it isn’t a guide, it will be integrated with classic guide addons eventually. If you’re confused about how to unlock Questie, try using the tutorial below. There you will learn how to download and install the addon.

First, download the latest version of the Twitch client. Then, launch the game. Open the Twitch desktop client and go to the Mods tab. In the search bar, type in “Questie” or “Questie addon”. You should see several popular downloads. You can then install Questie using the client. You’ll need to update your vanilla client after installing the addon.

How do I unhide a Questie button?

If you’ve been wondering: “How do I unhide a Questia button?” you’re not alone. The Questie button is one of the most useful tools in World of Warcraft, and it’s easy to accidentally unhide it. However, the Questia button is not the only thing that can be hidden. Sometimes, the Questia button is also un-hidden if the player has not completed a quest.

Can you move quest tracker WoW?

Can you move the quest tracker list in World of Warcraft? In most cases, yes. To move the quest list, press “” and drag it to the right. The quest tracker will remain on the right side of the screen. If you can’t find the correct location, use “/qh treset center” to force it into the center of the screen. You can also move the quest tracker by dragging the small gray box in the top-right corner.

The quest tracker is an essential tool in World of Warcraft. It automatically adds completed quests to your quest log when you receive them. The quest tracker list is not limited to the game’s main menu, but you can also add or remove quests that have no objectives. World of Warcraft Classic also has quest tracker options. You can track up to five quests at one time. If you don’t finish them, they’ll fade from your quest log.

How do you show Questie on minimap?

You’ve probably noticed that the Questie tracker list has been disappearing from your minimap. To fix this, make sure you’re running the latest Questie release and update GatherMate2. You’ll also want to disable the AAP addon. To install the latest version of Questie, simply follow the instructions in the package’s readme.html file. To install Questie, follow the same steps as you would for gathering materials.

First, open the game’s settings and select the Tracker tab. This is the tab where you can view your list of objectives. To hide it, click on the “Ctrl” key. This will hide the Questie tracker. You can also disable the minimap’s tracking options. The minimap will show your current status as well as markers, but you can also turn them off in the preferences menu.

How do I make my Questie bigger?

In World of Warcraft, there is an add-on called Questie that helps you find and complete quests faster. It adds quest icons to your map and shows you what you can loot from mobs. You can customize the size of the quest tracker list to suit your preferences and display it in a more spacious way. Questie is not a guide, but it does have plans to integrate with classic guide add-ons.

One of the most popular add-ons for World of Warcraft is Questie. It’s a handy tool for finding quests, especially on private servers. You can turn Questie on or off, toggle CorpseArrow on and off, and customize the colors for Questie. The header displays the total number of quests you’ve unlocked in the current world, and the list can be made bigger or smaller if you prefer.

Where does Questie install?

If you’ve ever wondered where Questie installs, the process is relatively simple. First, download the app. Next, log into your Twitch account with the username you use to play the game. From there, go to the Mods menu. Choose World of Warcraft and select AddOns. Search for “Questie” in the list. Click the “Install” button, and Questie should be installed.

If you’ve ever been confused by quest text, Questie can help. It fixes quest text nonsense and provides missing map features. However, it doesn’t work well with other addons and is sometimes misleading. We’ve had a similar experience with QuestHelper and Questie. However, we’d recommend you use an alternative to Questie. We’ve listed some of the features of Questie below.

Does WoW Classic have quest tracker?

Is WoW Classic missing its quest tracker? That’s a legitimate question that we’ve been receiving for a while now. Blizzard, the team behind World of Warcraft, has acknowledged that some features of the current game will be missing from the Classic version, which is in development. The company has stated that they want to preserve the social aspect of the game, as well as the original leveling experience. But we can’t help but think that there must be some sort of feature we’re missing from this version.

If so, why? Basically, you need a quest tracker in World of Warcraft Classic to be able to easily find and complete quests. Unfortunately, WoW Classic doesn’t come with quest tracking functionality. Instead, you need to rely on the “What Should I Train For Addon Classic?” option, which will give you a list of available trainer spells. Once you’ve chosen one, you’ll see a list of your available trainer spells. If you know the word, the list will appear at the bottom.

How Do I Move the Questie Tracker List in World of Warcraft? (2024)


How to move world quest tracker in WoW? ›

How does one move this window? With the release of the Advanced Quest Tracking features, we locked the Objectives window to the right of the screen, in part to keep the interface clean. The interface size can be scaled down if need be, but the window itself cannot currently be moved.

How do you reset tracker position in Questie? ›

Navigate to the Tracker tab (tab 5). Select Reset Tracker Position. The tracker should now appear in the middle of your screen. CTRL + left click hold on windows (command on Mac probably?) and drag to desired position.

How to track quests in WoW? ›

In WoW Classic, a quest will automatically appear in the tracker only when you complete an objective towards the quest, and you have Automatic Quest Tracking enabled. To enable this option open the Main Menu (ESC), click on Display, and check Automatic Quest Tracking.

How do I move around quest home? ›

Move around in Home
  1. Press / to close your menu.
  2. Hold up on the thumbstick until your cursor turns into a line.
  3. Point the line to a designated spot on the floor then release the thumbstick to move. You can also rotate in place by pressing the thumbstick left or right.

How do I move Kaliel's tracker? ›

For position change, move "Extra Action Button" resp. "Extra Action Bar".

How do I reset my tracker? ›

Factory Reset Tracker

While powered on, use a paper clip to press and hold the 'Reset' button on the back of the Hub. The LED will flash Amber for about 5 seconds then switch to solid Amber to indicate the reset has been initiated and you can release the 'Reset' button.

How do you reset quest logs in wow? ›

World of Warcraft quests, achievements, or collections cannot be reset. The only way for a fresh start in World of Warcraft is to create a brand new Blizzard account and re-purchase the game.

How do I get questie back on minimap? ›

To enable quest tracking on the zone map, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the magnifying glass.
  2. Check any of the following options under Show if they are available on your mini map and would like to track them: Quest Objectives. ...
  3. Check any of the following options under World Quest Rewards if you would like to track them:

How do you pull up the quest log in WoW? ›

The Quest Log is a window found on the right-hand side of the Map & Quest Log interface, listing the status and details of all currently active quests the character has not completed, or completed but not turned in.

Why are my quests not showing up in WoW? ›

World of Warcraft

The in-game maps have quest markers indicating the next quest in a zone. If you have out-levelled the zone, make sure all quests are showing by clicking the magnifying glass on your mini-map and ticking the Trivial Quests box.

Where do quest items go in WoW? ›

In Modern World of Warcraft most quest items don't take up space in the inventory, and are accessed through the quest tracker.

What does questie do in WoW? ›

For all its benefits, Questie may be one of the biggest culprits of people cruising through the leveling just to raid. As wonderful of a tool as it is, this addon allows you to go from objective to objective without even reading the quests, figuring things out, or exploring.

How to import AddOns into WoW? ›

How to install mods/addons
  1. Exit WoW. Its important.
  2. Download the mod you want to install. * Make a folder on your desktop called 'My Mods' * Save the . zip/. rar files to this folder. ...
  3. Extract the file - commonly known as 'unzipping'. Do this one file at time!

Where is the AddOns menu in WoW? ›

So to check and make sure they are log into World of Warcraft and go to your Character Select Screen. In the lower left corner you will see a button labeled AddOns. Clicking on this will bring up all the AddOns you have installed to that client. Scroll through and make sure you see the AddOns you just installed.

Is there a way to move the map in wow? ›

Mousewheel over the minimap to zoom in or out. Move the minimap by unlocking it in the default UI's Edit Mode. Click on the clock to open the timer. Click on the Tracking Icon to the left of the Zone Name bar to use the tracking function.

How to turn on quest tracking in wow dragonflight? ›

  1. Click on the binoculars to the left of the zone name above your minimap.
  2. Find Trivial Quests and make sure there is a check mark in the box.
  3. To enable tracking for Warboards, find Track Warboards and check the box.

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