1. [Saturn] Nekketsu Oyako - shmups.system11.org
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Shmups Forum
2. Nekketsu Oyako review - Classic-Games.net
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Developer: Technosoft Publisher: Technosoft Release: 12/03/94 Genre: Beat em up Any serious fan of shooters during the 16-bit era should be familiar with the name Technosoft. These underrated developers created some of the finest gems during that period....

3. Nekketsu Oyako (Video Game) - TV Tropes
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Nekketsu Oyako (Hot-Blooded Family) is a Beat 'em Up by Technosoft, the creators of the Thunder Force series, as their first (and only) game in the beat 'em up genre. It was released for the original PlayStation on December 3, 1994 as a launch …

4. Nekketsu Oyako (1994) - MobyGames
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Middle-aged housewife Saeko Hibino has a secret: she's actually a Nobel laureate theoretical physicist who devised a completely new type of antimatter fusion reactor at only 17 years old. But when a band of no-good bad guys calling themselves the...

5. Sega Saturn – Nekketsu Oyako - Obscure Video Games
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Note 1: Like Beat ‘Em Ups? Check out my reviews of Double Dragon II, Sengoku 3, D & D, Bare Knuckle III, Crows: The Battle Action, Warriors of Fate, Nekketsu Oyako, Final Fight Guy, Fin…

6. Nekketsu Oyako (1994) - Backloggd
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Nekketsu Oyako is a beat-'em-up by Technosoft released for the PlayStation in 1994 and the Sega Saturn in 1995. Neither version was released outside Japan. The title roughly translates to "Burning-Blood Family." The game is noted for its humorous presentation. For example, one stage takes place inside a whale, and alcoholic beverages (a healing item) can only be consumed by Rando while his two kids get an "adult only" message instead.

7. Nekketsu Oyako Hot Blooded Children - SegaSaturn.co.uk
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I just wanted to make a thread for Nekketsu Oyako Hot Blooded Children I just got it today it's a really good 2d beat em up like Street of Rage or Final Fight. I was just wondering if anyone has it
8. Nekketsu Oyako (Sony Playstation) - Adventures in Video Games
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Nekketsi Oyako Technosoft (1995) The beat 'em up genre has always been a favorite of mine, but it seems after the 16-bit generation th...
9. Nekketsu Oyako (PSX) Longplay - Alienware Arena
Mar 10, 2023 · Nekketsu Oyako (PSX) Longplay. DoomKnight. Solar. 2. Nekketsu Oyako longplay ... Inappropriate content. Spam. Violates Intellectual Property. Harassment. Error ...
Nekketsu Oyako longplayI played the english patched version.Game Description:Nekketsu Oyako (roughly translated as Thermal blooded parent and child) is a side scrolling beat 'em up like Final Fight that was one of the original launch titles for...